1.67 Rating by CuteStat

gemstonecapital.net is 8 years 5 months old. It is a domain having net extension. This website is estimated worth of $ 8.95 and have a daily income of around $ 0.15. As no active threats were reported recently by users, gemstonecapital.net is SAFE to browse.

PageSpeed Score
Siteadvisor Rating
Not Applicable

Traffic Report

Daily Unique Visitors: Not Applicable
Daily Pageviews: Not Applicable

Estimated Valuation

Income Per Day: $ 0.15
Estimated Worth: $ 8.95

Search Engine Indexes

Google Indexed Pages: Not Applicable
Bing Indexed Pages: Not Applicable

Search Engine Backlinks

Google Backlinks: Not Applicable
Bing Backlinks: Not Applicable

Safety Information

Google Safe Browsing: No Risk Issues
Siteadvisor Rating: Not Applicable
WOT Trustworthiness: Not Applicable
WOT Child Safety: Not Applicable

Website Ranks & Scores

Alexa Rank: Not Applicable
Domain Authority: Not Applicable

Web Server Information

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Hosted Country:

United States of America US

Location Latitude:


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Page Resources Breakdown

Homepage Links Analysis

Website Inpage Analysis

H1 Headings: Not Applicable H2 Headings: Not Applicable
H3 Headings: Not Applicable H4 Headings: Not Applicable
H5 Headings: Not Applicable H6 Headings: Not Applicable
Total IFRAMEs: 1 Total Images: 5
Google Adsense: Not Applicable Google Analytics: Not Applicable

Websites Hosted on Same IP (i.e.

Index of /

- fittingmailer.com
Not Applicable $ 8.95


- elkingplastic.com
Not Applicable $ 8.95

Index of /

- ocrealconsultant.com
Not Applicable $ 8.95

Index of /

- montanac21.com
Not Applicable $ 8.95

Index of /

- milwaukeehometour.com
Not Applicable $ 8.95

HTTP Header Analysis

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 16:16:14 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.12 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips mod_bwlimited/1.4
Last-Modified: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 09:37:13 GMT
ETag: "54e5-52687f3a24993"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 21733
Content-Type: text/html

Domain Information

Domain Registrar: DropCatch.com 1315 LLC
Registration Date: Dec 7, 2015, 12:00 AM 8 years 5 months 1 week ago
Last Modified: Dec 8, 2015, 12:00 AM 8 years 5 months 6 days ago
Expiration Date: Dec 7, 2016, 12:00 AM 7 years 5 months 5 days ago
Domain Status:

Domain Nameserver Information

Host IP Address Country
ns33.urlnameserver.com United States of America United States of America
ns34.urlnameserver.com United States of America United States of America

DNS Record Analysis

Host Type TTL Extra
gemstonecapital.net A 14399 IP:
gemstonecapital.net NS 21599 Target: ns34.urlnameserver.com
gemstonecapital.net NS 21599 Target: ns33.urlnameserver.com
gemstonecapital.net SOA 21599 MNAME: ns33.urlnameserver.com
RNAME: d2hemails.gmail.com
Serial: 2015120803
Refresh: 86400
Retry: 7200
Expire: 3600000
Minimum TTL: 86400
gemstonecapital.net MX 14399 Target: gemstonecapital.net

Full WHOIS Lookup

Whois Server Version 2.0

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 1495
Whois Server: Whois.bigrock.com
Referral URL: http://www.bigrock.com
Status: clientTransferProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited
Updated Date: 08-dec-2015
Creation Date: 07-dec-2015
Expiration Date: 07-dec-2016

>>> Last update of whois database: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 16:16:00 GMT